Sunday, September 20, 2009

Elbow Grease

Amerigo Vespucci training ship, LivornoThe “Amerigo Vespucci” is back to Livorno after her summer training cruise, begun last July. On the same pier another school ship, the amphibious transport dock “San Giusto”.Amerigo Vespucci training ship, LivornoAmerigo Vespucci training ship, LivornoAmerigo Vespucci training ship, LivornoAmerigo Vespucci training ship, LivornoEvery sailor on board is fixing, brushing or painting something...

Search labels: Amerigo Vespucci
External links: Amerigo Vespucci (Wikipedia)


Lowell said...

Although I was in the Navy, I was not aboard a ship. But I do know that "shipshape" is more than just a word - a military machine of whatever kind must always be in optimum condition at all times in order to be effective.

You have captured that sense of duty and urgency very well in these photos. The ship is stunning to begin with and one reason is the constant attention to detail that this seamen are providing.

Great post, VP!

brattcat said...

Oh, VP, I love these shots of men at work. Your detail of their detail is terrific.

Sunny said...

What a fantastic tall ship. I have pictures of the Amerigo Vespucci that my father took many years ago while he was stationed on the Rock of Gibraltar.
It's wonderful to see it in color.
Sunny :)

Tinsie said...

Great shots! I like seeing men at work :-)

Julie said...

mmm ... I like seeing PEOPLE at work!!

Wonderful series of environmental portraits, VP. And look at that bollard in the bottom image!!

James said...

Wonderful pictures. They remind me of my navy days, always cleaning and make everything "shipshape".

I enjoyed this post very much.

Peter @ italyMONDO! said...

What patience to keep that looking new!

I just discovered this blog. Great shot!

Fio said...

Che bella serie. Hai veramente "occhi da reporter" :-)
Buona Domenica!

Unseen Rajasthan said...

The first shot is lovely !! It is in my wish list to see them in a person someday !!Unseen Rajasthan

Anonymous said...

Ha! The third photo is a good one!

RODE ORM said...

Hoist the anchor!

Zyzzyz said...

Boats need a lot of handling.

Hilda said...

No matter how many times you post pictures of the Amerigo Vespucci, I will never tire of her — she is just so gorgeous!

A sailor's work is never done, huh?

What do you call that little balcony that looks like a wire basket? I'm staring at it right now because I just noticed how beautiful its details are!

Frank said...

Terrific shots, especially the men and the porthole. Great composition. Yes, the ship is breathtaking and looks so great in your harbor.

You last few posts have been so good (including the loss of the Musketeers) but the Low and Dark and Ropes are my kind of photos.

Thanks VP!

Halcyon said...

I love those old sailing ships. Beautiful pics.

tapirgal said...

What a great post! I have one of a similar ship, the Lady Washington somewhere on my blog. It's nice to see this type of training sailing ship in my "sister city." You've done a great job of capturing the action and the ship's beauty.

Gunn said...

I like your photos.
I like to see "real life".
Looks like you still have a nice sunny summer...

stromsjo said...

The maritime equivalent of a make-up spree!

VP said...

@ Hilda - They call it balconata, you can see it better in my July post. It goes around the stern, where the Officers' quarters are, and bears the name of the ship in golden letters.
The sleek Captain's boat and a beautiful lantern hang just above this balcony.

Hilda said...

I visited your July post again. I saw it back then but didn't realize it was a balcony! Thank you, Mr Poet.

Saw someone else call you that and I liked it. :)

Copenhagen said...

What a grand ship. What is it used for?

Unknown said...

The ship is a beauty!

Prime Minister said...

WWoow this ship is amazing..!!!
Well done and great shots!

Ellie said...

I am having Internet problems these days - It is great fun to look at this ship!!! All the knots and man hard at work!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Wonderful shots, all--I particularly like the first.

Kate said...

Fantastic shots, and I am very impressed with the first photo.

Baruch said...

Great captures