Friday, September 11, 2009

Inside the Fortress

Fortezza Nuova, LivornoMy friend Stefano did another of his tricks and we are going to see something of the “Fortezza Nuova” from the inside. The fortress is closed to the public since last January, but the reasons behind this are more complicated than what was said at the time.Fortezza Nuova, LivornoThe fortress has an active and healthy feline population, clearly thriving in absence of humans. Kitties are fed daily by voluntary caretakers and their number seems to be well over one hundred.Fortezza Nuova, LivornoThe inside of the fortress is on different levels, following the ancient ramparts with embankments and hollows. Two months without rain took their toll on the grass of the lawns.Fortezza Nuova, LivornoAn old gun on the northeastern rampart is pointed toward “Porta San Marco” (Saint Mark Gate) as a memento of the popular defence against the Austrian troops in May 1849.Fortezza Nuova, LivornoThe skeleton of a giant tepee rises near a playground on the side toward “Piazza della Repubblica”. It was usually covered to offer some shade to the parents attending the kids.

See also: Fortezza Nuova - From the Fortress - Fortress with a Secret - Fortress from the Sky - The Fortress, at Last!
Search labels: Fortezza Nuova


stromsjo said...

I once had a lawn like that!

More kitties, more feeding... is there any end in sight to this?

James said...

That looks like a wonderful place filled with history. You took some really great pictures.

Antjas said...

All those cats are kind of creepy. I can only take one at a time. Di you have to watch where you stepped or did the caretakers take care of that too? It looks as though they didn't have to cut the grass so they may have had time to do so.

Lowell said...

That sound you hear of clapping hands is for Stefano, and, of course, yourself.

Thanks for a look inside this place...enchanting. Can't believe all those cats! I know from experience they multiply rapidly so you might have 200 in no time!

Very interesting place. Lots of history. You indicated there were some unusual reasons for closing this to the public...can you tell us the reasons?

It would seem to be a fun place for people to bring their kids...

brattcat said...

My personal favorite is the shot with all the kitties. Go figure.

Leif Hagen said...

Kitten fortress must not have any mice! Meow, meow!

gogouci said...

Good job infiltrating the fortress lines with your spycam. By the way, even with rain, my lawn looks like that. I need a gardener to help me.

Fio said...

Dove ci sono tanti gatti, non ci sono topi. La soluzione molto interessante :-)))

martha said...

In Rome, the kitties released into the sanctuary area are neutered first. What about here?

Tinsie said...

Interesting place. The first photo is amazing :-)

Wolynski said...

When I was in Rome ages ago, there were thousands of stray cats living in the ruins. Is this an Italian thing? Why can't there be an effort to neuter them? They could end up taking over.
Very interesting place and beautiful photos.

Copenhagen said...

You're one lucky man who gets to see all types of secret locations.

I wish people can adopt those cats.

Cezar and Léia said...

you know my friend...I loved those kitties, but wow what story!Great pictures!
Léia :)

Elaine Yim said...

I notice that the cats are mostly black.

Elaine Yim said...

But this is a beautiful place.

B SQUARED said...

A marvelous find. The cats must leave quite a mess.

Richard said...

Interesting clashes among how the cats should be managed. Think that is a legacy of Rome letting them on streets.

Hilda said...

Sprawling lawns inside a fortress? Wow. I like cats but seeing that many in one place might creep me out. And I love your photo of the canon!

Please thank Stefano for us. Whenever he takes you places, we reap the benefits too.

Halcyon said...

I can't believe all those kitties! I'm glad someone takes care of them.

Looks like an interesting place to visit.

tapirgal said...

There's my palm tree again. Beautiful top photo and very interestig tour once again.

stromsjo said...

Leif is right, this has got to be an entirely mouse-less fortress by now.

Ellie said...

That kitty shot is priceless! May be if you let them roll and play with few crystal balls - magic can happen :)Mystical place - love the palm - very rich.

Anonymous said...

All those feral kitties! So cute!

Julie said...

I saw all the stray cats amongst the ruins in Rome, too.

However, the essential thing here is the buildings and the story you tell as you go. I so enjoy your historical accounts and I thank you for continuting to search for a female representative within your statuary!!

Baruch said...

Good grief,there are many cats!