Looking south from the roof terrace of “
Villa Letizia”: we see the busy “Viale Italia”, then the pines of the “Rotonda” and the quite rocky
coastline of Antignano. The farthest visible point is more than two kilometers away.

Against the eastern hills stands the water tower of the “Caserma Paolo Vannucci”, were part of the
Folgore Parachute Brigate is quartered. That would be another good point of view...

Ardenza Stadium, now “
Armando Picchi”, lies just north of the villa. The “
Grattacielo” is our modest and only high-rise.

On the northwest the track of the “Ippodromo Federico Caprilli” and its grandstand with, in background, the buildings of the Naval Academy. If you look closely, you may even recognize some familiar turrets. On the far right, in the haze, the “

A panoramic view showing the extension of the park of the villa.