The new canal where once was “
Viale Caprera” is taking shape in the ordinate chaos of a construction site.

Wider sidewalks and parapets are already in place: you can see them following the line of the street lights from the part of the canal dug few years ago.

The canal will be where the backhoe is, amid the brick parapets.

Soon everything in the area will be again like in this detailed 1824 map, courtesy of my friend Stefano.
Search labels:
new canalSee also:
An Useless Dig -
Canale dei Navicelli -
Viale Caprera -
Micropoles -
New Venice -
Crash -
The Dig -
Building the Canal -
Venice's Canal -
The Old “Cantina” -
Along the New Canal -
Under Construction -
The Bomb -
The Buried Bomb -
The Wall -
Lots of work going on here.
It's nice to see the work and it will be really nice to see the finished product.
I think it will be beautiful and add to the exquisiteness that is Livorno!
This is so exciting to see how much work has already been done.
It will be fun to watch as the canal progresses...or goes back in time to 1824.
How exciting to see things go foward and go backwards at the same time. Or have I just lost my mind. MB
Good to have a Stefano for occasional expert support.
When all the snow has melted over here we'll have some new canals too I'm afraid.
There's a lot of activity. I'm sure it will still be happening five weeks from now if "Construction" becomes the theme for May 1.
How long is all of this going to take? It's not a very attractive sight, so I hope it doesn't last too long!
Can't wait to see it completed, but probably it'll take a while!
It must be interesting to see all the construction work! Hope for more photos on this project :)
Oh yes, you must go back when they are finished so we can see what it looks like! Fascinating process.
I've been absent from reading your posts for a while due to a busy schedule but it's good to be back. Can't wait to see the finished canal. The buildings along the street are nice so I think it has potential.
So interesting... everything old is new again!
This is so interesting, VP!
Wow, they really have been hard at it. The old map is great, grazie Stefano.
Don't you have enough canals plus the harbor? Still, if it joins everything - very interesting.
A new canal!? So hard for a land-locked Jerusalem person to imagine.
Progress. I always enjoy shooting building sites, some good shots here.
Beautiful map! Is this an historical reconstruction? Or wil the canal serve some transportation purpose?
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