In the early afternoon of Monday everybody was looking for some images on the “Fosso Reale”: a local TV, amateurs and pros.A boat took fire, but the danger was, luckily, already gone.But everybody was still taking pictures...
We're so obsessed with our cameras. I hope some day, when someone needs help, we are not so busy taking photos to document the event that we fail to reach out a hand.
Ha, you know what we bloggers like to see!
But still . . . you couldn't give us a little bit of flames too? ;)
Maybe there's not a lot of other excitement in Livorno.
Great shots, VP!
Give a man a camera and he can control the world.
That reminds me of a post that I did last year called "photographing the photographers"
Yes, but you were photographing the people. Nice.
Very nice documentary/action shots!
P.S. I love the fire outfits. I'd like to have one.
Great pictures, like news at TV! :)
We're so obsessed with our cameras. I hope some day, when someone needs help, we are not so busy taking photos to document the event that we fail to reach out a hand.
I like that you joined in but to take their photos. ;)
And once again you are where the action is taking place! :-)
They are very serious about what they are doing!
Wow, everyone has very nice equipment! I'm sure you looked just as focused as they do, just facing a different angle :)
Maybe one person started taking photos and so the others joined in so as not to be left out!
@ Hilda - I was completely 'outlensed' by these guys, so I began to shoot the shooters
You were in the right place at the right time, weren't you?
Nice series:)
Including you.
E tu come mai eri da quelle parti?
@ amatamari© - I was going home after work, I live nearby, and I always have my camera with me...
And one very talented, clever CDP blogger joined the crowd of photographers, tv cameramen and firemen!
Journalists and photographers at work. It doesn't look as dramatic as the firemen at work but it looks interesting nonetheless.
Hahaha! Great photos of photographer taking photos.
Don't mean to see it was good what happened to the boat but yeah that's the only way photographers can really manage to capture the drama!
Hope there wasn't any harm to life...
Pixellicious Photos
Photographers---what can one say!! MB
Everyone takes pictures of everything nowadays. Just in case.
The comments are funny! Interesting shots.
The comments are funny! Interesting shots.
I wonder whose boat it was.
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