The “Canale dei Francesi” (Frenchmen's Canal) links the Old to the New Harbor. On a pier, used by fishermen, we can find a compass rose, perfectly aligned with the geographic north.

I saw this mark inside the “Porto Mediceo”: it says “caposaldo di livellazione” (geodetic control mark) of the “
Rete Mareografica Nazionale” (National Tide Gauge Network).
See also:
Torre del Marzocco -
Tower of the Winds -
Strange Clock
They relate very nicely to each other, VP.
Have a very happy end to 2010 and I hope you have a happy, healthy and prosperous new year in 2011.
I like the compass rose. Around the “Canale dei Francesi” seems like a good place to walk and take some pictures.
This is a great landmark.
The top photo appeals to me because of its design and the different stones.
I agree with Kate. Nice design.
I like this design. Beautiful.
Some interesting little city details! Plans for New Years Eve?
And the world is round too. Everything that is round is whole. I need to go back to bed I think!
The tide marker is interesting.
I think it is always exciting to find an old benchmark or a new geodetic control mark in the ground.
This one is pretty.
Ti auguro 12 mesi di felicità, 52 weekend di serenità, 365 giorni d'amore, 8760 ore di pace, 525600 minuti di successo , 31536000 secondi di amicizia.
That compass rose is quite nice situated in the middle of all that.
Interesting, and the compass rose is really pretty!
A lovely compass rose and next to it... a bench! :-)
Wish you a Happy New Year, VP!
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