This Christmas tree is in front of the Cathedral, in “Piazza Grande”. Not much of a tree and even slightly leaning, but our new bishop is a Pisan after all.

“Christmas 2010 is the first beautiful thing” quotes the title of the movie filmed in Livorno in 2009: “
La prima cosa bella”.

At work we have this quite original Christmas tree decorated with computer parts: connectors, memory sticks and fans. Garlands are made from printer ribbons and cables.
Happy Christmas to Everyone!
I do like that work Christmas tree. Sometimes you have to use what you have!
The first tree looks straight enough to me, and very beautiful.
Your work tree is very imaginative. But no twirling, flashing CDs hanging on it?
Merry Christmas to you all.
I have been in the Vatican for the last 2+ hours for Midnight Mass, thanks to Vatican Radio and Vatican TV, right here on my computer. Their first time to broadcast it alone, without the help of Italian TV.
Very nice.
A blessed Christmas for you and your family.
Nice tree! I like that you decorated in recycled parts. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.
You are too funny!
Merry Christmas too!! MB
Buon Natale to you both!
I like the leaning tree, the second shot is wonderfully graphic and your Christmas tree at work is a hoot!
nice serie ;) Have a great Xmas times with all the person you care ! :)
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Greetings, Karl
Your Christmas tree at work is a classic. And as you point out it's a nice touch with the leaning tree.
Merry Christmas VP. Your Christmas trees are great. The leaning one and the one at work. Pure beauty!
Very beautiful first shot, very funny parting shot. Have a grand day.
faccio gli auguri per un Natale colmo di tanta pace e felicità
The first tree looks elegant even if it is,'t perfectly straight.
Very original tree in the last shot! haha. I hope you have a very merry christmas ;-D
Buon Natale a voi due!
Hope you had a wonderful CHristmas. I like this selection of Christmas trees, especially the work one. Very creative!
Hope you had a wonderful holiday.
The tree in your office is soooooo UNIQUE, and made me think that someone creative and with a good sense of humor works there.
I am still smiling...... :)
Hope you will have/ have had a nice Christmas!:)
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