We have already seen something of the decay of this building and today we'll see something more. Next Friday, December 10th, our friend Stefano, the creator of the
Facebook group on the church, will hold a
lecture about this building. Above, you can see a detail of the balustrade around the pulpit and the debris-covered floor.

The old benches, more debris and a fallen beam.

A pile of wooden parts fallen from the ceiling, heavily covered with pigeongs guano.

This room, on the left side of the church, was something like a vestry and the roof has recently caved in.
Search labels:
Dutch church
See also:
Abandoned Church -
Scali degli Olandesi -
Chiesa degli Olandesi -
Sad Preview -
Finale -
A Ray of Hope -
Falling to Pieces -
Flying Rats -
Another Collapse -
Fenced Off -
Piazza Poerio -
The Places I Love -
A Few More Votes -
Rose Window -
Second Place?
External links:
Temple of the Dutch German Congregation (Wikipedia)
Facebook Group: “
Salviamo la chiesa degli Olandesi a Livorno” (Save the Dutch church in Livorno)
It is so sad. It seems like it was a great building.
Immagini tristi, encomiabile l'iniziativa di Stefano, buonafortuna!!!!!!!!!!!!
It looks sad. But there are some beautiful details in it.
Rarely seen a more challenging puzzle. The very best of luck for you all, and a good Sunday as well.
daily athens
At this stage, all one can say is that the building has "good bones." Unfortunately, the bones are mostly broken. I wonder if it can be resurrected.
I was wondering the same as Jack. I am sure it can be. We've had some homes here in the same condition that are no beautiful homes.
Can it really be rebuilt? I sure hope so. It must have been beautiful in it's time. MB
Wonderful initiative to restore this church. I wish good luck to Stefano and to the believers who will sustain his effort!
It seems that buildings that cease to be lived in or prayed in lose their soul and then start deteriorating.
Your photo of the pews is especially poignant.
You and Stefano are real crusaders on a mission. I hope you and the group of supporters will be the church's saviors.
Aren't you living dangerously?
Sad, so sad. I'm with Dina.
non avevo la minima idea che fosse in quello stato! non ci posso credere!
non ci posso credere che sia lasciata andare così in questo stato...
Please be careful.
Ya, looks like you take 'life in hand' getting these images. Whew!
Decay is quite an appropriate word here... Quite sad, though.
God bless you!
It's always a shame to see such decay!
Very sad post today VP!
Very impressive shots! I'm especially fond of the benches covered with dust and debris. Fantastic!
Such interesting pictures, but so sad to see the ruin.
Somehow I never would expect to see a church in ruins in Italy. Very, very sad to see the structure in ruins.
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