Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Scaffolding

Scaffolding protecting the statue of Our Lady of the Peoples, Madonna dei Popoli, port of Livorno
This structure at the entrance of the port, still hidden by a cover and protected by a scaffolding, is the new 6-meter tall statue of the Madonna dei Popoli (Our Lady of the Peoples), a project of our (Pisan) bishop Simone Giusti. The statue was commissioned to the (Pisan) sculptor Paolo Grigò and will be unveiled this afternoon in a formal ceremony. A minority of Livornesi is against the statue for not easily understandable reasons.

External links: Ecco la Madonna del porto (Il Tirreno, in Italian)


Anonymous said...

Now I'm curious. What might be some of their reasons?

Jack said...

I always laugh when I read your digs at the poor Pisans.

Randy said...

I hope that we will see it after it's unwrapped.

Dina said...

Judging by the photo of the model in your link, this statue will be even more welcoming a figure than the Statue of Liberty to those who enter your port. Long may she stand.

Karl said...

I'm curious to see the Madonna dei Popoli in their full splendor.

Arianna said...

Tutto pisano via! Penderà? :) ciao, Arianna

cieldequimper said...

Good grief... Where's the airport? :-)

Luis Gomez said...

Lol! You are too good!

Gunn said...

The beginning is always half of the work.....
I look forward to see it later.

Unknown said...

Scaffolding can always be found in Lisbon! There's so much to be restored...