Tuesday, October 9, 2012

À la Seurat

Pointillist view through the holes of a gate in via Marradi, LivornoPointillist view through the holes of a gate in “Via Marradi”.

External links: Pointillism


Anonymous said...

Great !

Please have a good Tuesday.

Luis Gomez said...

Very interesting VP!

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

I like the effect it produces.

Dina said...

Ho ho, good one, VP!
I wonder how many people would walk by that gate and think pointillism.

Traveling Hawk said...

Very inspired, VP!

Dave-CostaRicaDailyPhoto.com said...

Very clever, but I can't stare at this for very long without feeling like I am going cross-eyed, unlike a pointilism painting, which I could stare at and admire for a long time.

Arianna said...

Ganzo, per quanto Seurat non mi piaccia molto...ciao, Arianna!

tapirgal said...

This is extraordinary! And also Surreal with the palm tree. And de Chirico with fewer shadows. Very nice! I agree with Dave in the dizzy factor, though.

Gunn said...

The SKY is BLUE:)

Stefan Jansson said...

Ha, you can be clever sometimes.

EG CameraGirl said...

This is a cool shot, VP.

Bergson said...

je trouve cette photo un peu pixelisée :-)