Our typical window shutters are called “persiane”, which is the plural of “persiana”. The word means “from Persia” and probably comes from the similar French
persienne, meaning something of common use in the Orient.

Made of wood or aluminium they come in many types, shapes and colors, but the most common is the bottle green one.
See also:
Serial Windows -
Colorful Shutters -
Venetian Windows
Always liked them.
Their simplicity makes such a statement. I love the second photo.
One continues to feel, as if spring is about to arrive soon.
Wishing you all a good Friday.
daily athens
I am not big on cleaning them. Feel free to use the bench photo.
In the USA, our shutters are purely decorative, fastened beside the windows and never moved. I have found it interesting to see Italian shutters being opened or closed depending on the time of day.
I like shutters--always have. Had the on a house once. Just decorative though. MB
The window's plant containers are so much more interesting than one plain windowbox.
The shutters in second photo have a split personality. Very versatile.
An Italian word that derives from French, lol! Usually it's the other way round! these are so great!
Oh I love these shutters, they are so different!Beautiful windows!
Happy weekend,
Didn't know that! Thanks, VP, for the explanation.
I love these windows, especially the wee one in the first photo!
Love that first shot... seems a bit crowded though. hahaha
Mi piacciono molto le persiane, a Lucca sono la regola. Buon weekend, Arianna!
Beautiful windows and shutters...the windows in Italy are always beautiful no matter what shape size color...!
I love shutters like that. I have shutters in many of my windows but none are shaped at the top as the top ones here are. These are very attractive.
Same word in portuguese. Lovely composition on top and a rather unusual set of persianas below.
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