Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Old “Cantina”

New Venice's cantina torn down, Livorno“Venezia” is a “rione” (quarter) of Livorno named after the more famous Venice for its canals. Its nautical club, or “cantina”, was the recent winner of all the competitions of the last rowing season.New Venice's cantina torn down, LivornoThe historical sheds, “Venezia” has won 21 edition of the “Palio Marinaro”, are now being torn down to make room for the final tract of a new canal.New Venice's cantina torn down, LivornoSomeone else was there to record the moment.New Venice's cantina torn down, LivornoThe new “cantina” will not be too far, they are already moving into some rooms under the north end of the “Santa Trinita” bridge, the grey sloping line visible on the left.

Search labels: new canal
See also: An Useless Dig - Canale dei Navicelli - Viale Caprera - Micropoles - New Venice - A New Canal - Crash - The Dig - Building the Canal - Venice's Canal - Along the New Canal - Under Construction - The Bomb - The Buried Bomb - The Wall - Modulblock


  1. Amazing pictures VP. Recording Livorno's history. ;)

  2. You do such a good job of documenting your local history.

  3. A promise in the making.

    Calm waters for you all and a good weekend as well.

    daily athens

  4. It's interesting documentation. I used to do the same thing for a country house we bought years ago.

  5. Sometimes change is good. Nice post.

  6. Great pictures and info. Keep us posted. MB

  7. Oi, it's always "traumatic" to watch something being destroyed.

  8. Looking forward to seeing the new cantina!
    God bless you!

  9. Great documentary series! Would love to see the new one!

  10. Great that you document the changes in this part of town, always interesting to see changes I think.

  11. Some day you will be happy for having taken these pics.
