Friday, November 26, 2010

The Helipad

AW139 I-BEPP, City Hospital, LivornoAn air ambulance helicopter approaching the hospital.AW139 I-BEPP, City Hospital, LivornoAfter the war the hospital was extended with the construction of new wings. The latest addition was a raised emergency helipad.Windsock, City Hospital, LivornoI wonder why they have built this pad if they are already planning a new 270 Million Euro hospital somewhere else.

See also: Spedali Riuniti


  1. Helicopters have helped our remote rural area very much.

  2. About twenty to twelve, ancient city, modern life - impressive pictures, as it looks difficult to land.
    Please have you all a good Friday.

    daily athens

  3. I like these pictures VP. Really cool!

  4. Have they built the new hospital yet? Well then there is your answer.
    Neat shots. MB

  5. I hope they had a safe landing! I think it would be exciting to ride in a helicopter like that someday!

  6. Not often you get to see helicopters at that angle. Good shots.
    I guess in case of a big emergency, God forbid, you can never have too many helipads.

  7. The middle shot is great! I mean , all of them are superb, but the middle is special:)

  8. I agree with Joo. it's a little bit of town too and is shows better how difficult this job is!

  9. I love the action in the sequence of your shots.I think this kind of rescue, save many lives.
    Wonderful post!

  10. This is dangerous work. Your town is lucky to have this medical resource.

  11. They probably don't want people to die before the new one is built. I wonder what they'll use the old one for. Two hospitals, maybe?

  12. Two hospitals sounds good if the economy can take it. Nice photo of the helicopter.
