Sunday, November 1, 2009

Theme Day: Doorways

This the main entrance of the “Mercato Centrale” on the “Scali Saffi” seen from the other side of the “fosso”. Just above the coat of arms of the Municipality of Livorno you can read: Angiolo Badaloni Ing. Architetto (Engineeer Architect) 1889-1894.

See also: Iron Leaves - Smelling the Coffee - Caryatids


James said...

That is quite a doorway. It's huge and very impressive.

Julie said...

a very elegant, and massive door for theme day. well done

Wolynski said...

Italian architecture is exquisite and build to last -nothing flimsy about it. Beautiful.

Lowell said...

I'm sure this will be one of the most beautiful doors we will see on this theme day.

Nicely done, VP!

Hilda said...

Very handsome! The ornamentation on top of the columns is gorgeous! And I notice that even here you have green shutters. :)

Leif Hagen said...

A very monumental doorway with massive pillars - leading into an important locale! Great theme day snap!

Clueless in Boston said...

Beautiful doorway, it looks massive.

tapirgal said...

This is absolutely beautiful in color and detail in the large image. You framed it so nicely, too. It's just too bad about the graffiti. Fortunately, the doors and facade are able to overpower the damage done by these stupid people. It's interesting to compare the monumental and the petty. You can almost read their minds.

Julie said...

Is the green grille for security or to keep the heat out, VP. It is a truly magnificent doorways as Europeans do all so well.

Unseen Rajasthan said...

Beautiful Architecture !! Loved the work !! Thanks for sharing..Unseen Rajasthan

Jilly said...

That's impressive. Beautiful combination of colours too.

stromsjo said...

I wonder how many engineers live to find their names carved in stone.

cieldequimper said...

Hmmm, I've already said that I wanted to go to your mercato, this is just another invitation! I wonder what you'll make of my doorway... ;-))

Cezar and Léia said...

This is a huge doorway, I love it in green!
Léia :)

brattcat said...

Wow, massively impressive.

Copenhagen said...

Hay you, great photo for the theme day. Sorry I have been absent lately due to school.

joo said...

Very elegant doorway!

Unknown said...

Wonderful and very imposing! Great colours too!

Luis Gomez said...

This is so beautiful! Great photo!

Rob Siemann said...

Grandioso, does that word exist in italian? Great door!

Halcyon said...

Now that's a door! They don't make them like that anymore, do they?

Happy theme day!!

Anonymous said...

Very attractive way to fortify the building, I think.

Ellie said...

This is huge - it took me a moment to realize how big this gate is. Great colors.

Andreea said...

Impressive looking door, very fitted for a doorways theme day

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

Very grand - and the colors are beautiful.

Tash said...

Beautiful and imposing doorway. Great theme day photo.

Ilse said...

Now that's a doorway! Italians understand the meaning of monumental.