Monday, November 30, 2009

Four Seasons

Quattro Stagioni, Four Seasons  kindergarten, corso Amedeo, LivornoWe have already seen four busts representing the seasons on the facade of the Palace of the Marble Columns, in the quarter of New Venice.Quattro Stagioni, Four Seasons  kindergarten, corso Amedeo, LivornoAnother set, this time of full figure statues, decorates a villa built around 1920 in “Corso Amedeo”. The building is now used as a kindergarten, obviously called “Quattro Stagioni” (Four Seasons).Quattro Stagioni, Four Seasons  kindergarten, corso Amedeo, LivornoQuattro Stagioni, Four Seasons  kindergarten, corso Amedeo, LivornoAs in “Via Borra” Spring and Summer are depicted as ladies, while Autumn and Winter are kindly reserved to men.


Leif Hagen said...

That's a fancier Kindergarten than any Kindergarten in the USA I guess! Wonderful statuary!

Lowell said...

Winter looks like an old man! I can understand that.

Another amazing structure...and I really appreciate the effort that went into making a building like this special.

I wonder if the kiddos ever come to appreciate that?

Luis Gomez said...

Vogon, the sculptures are beautiful. How big are they?

brattcat said...

I definitely recommend enlarging these. So much detail to be seen. Thank you, VP.

Hilda said...

Men do seem to always get the nastier weather in these statues. ;)

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

Mr. Winter does not look happy -- that must be because he has to spend it outside. Or, if he is inside, he must listen to noisy children. Maybe that's what he is doing with his hand, saying "Quiet, quiet!"
Thanks for the entertainment.
Three Rivers Daily Photo

Unseen Rajasthan said...

Beautiful shots !! Architecture is lovely !! What an amazing post !!Unseen Rajasthan

Layrayski said...

Beautiful! I didn't know there were statues like this depicting the seasons. I'm sure the building itself is grand. It's a building for a kindergarten? wow.

B SQUARED said...

Has to be the most beautiful kindergarden in the world.

stromsjo said...

I think Mr. Winter is the one with a vision for our future. A bold leader-to-be!

Halcyon said...

I am so used to the Quattro Stagioni being a type of pizza! I like these four seasons a bit better. :)

Anonymous said...

That's so interesting that spring and summer are female and fall and winter are male. Hmmmmmmm. I'm not sure how I feel about that. :)

Rob Siemann said...

A bit of Vivaldi and a pizza with this...

Unknown said...

I like the way you choosed to display the photos on this post. Everything is great but I especially like the details under the roof. Really nice building!

cieldequimper said...

Ah, women...
Nice series of shots, I'd like some Monteverdi with this and some lemon veal. Please.

VP said...

@ Luis Gomez - Almost life size, I guess...
@ Halcyon - My thought always goes to pizza!
@ ciel - I have a final and rare set of all-women seasons...

Kaori said...

Facinating statues! I wonder why they are a facing to the right? :)

Tinsie said...

Beautiful. Just beautiful. I love sculptures and paintings of the four seasons, and the Italians have created by far the best ones.

VP said...

@ Kaori - You are right, I didn't notice this at first and really don't know why...

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Very interesting and fun! Nice series.

Andreea said...

Beautiful series. While the women and Autumn look rather content, Winter definitely looks the saddest, I can see looks of despair on his face. I guess it's bad to be Winter! :)

Anonymous said...

Autumn is cute - reminds me of Dionysus.