Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Three-Story House

Superstructure of a large yacht, Benetti shipyard, LivornoIt looks like a three-story house (on wheels) but it is the superstructure of a large yacht in construction at the Benetti shipyard. I am sure that, when finished, it will provide quite comfortable living quarters for the lucky owners of this boat.

See also: I Dynasty - Superyachts - I Dynasty, in Norway - Giorgio Armani's Yacht - Imagination & Illusion - Prince Abdulaziz - Bistango & Reborn - Octopus - Bistango



Wow! This is huge. It will pass for the rich & famous' abode. Can't wait to see it done. :)

Michelle said...

That will be one luxurious boat.

Anonymous said...

Makes one wonder whether water will boil at the same temperature in its kitchen as it does in mine.

Thank you for the 'Greek Street', I shall look for some Italian. Please have a good Wednesday.

Jack said...

That is massive. It is hard understanding why a buyer wants so much space.

Anonymous said...

everyday I learn a thing or two...I never knew they built yachts in pieces and then put them together like a puzzle! nice shot of $$$$$$$s that will someday ride the waves now sitting complacently on wheels!

Randy said...

I hope the tires don't give out.

Luis Gomez said...

WOW! Really not much else to say VP.

Dina said...


cieldequimper said...

On land yes, on sea, no.

Traveling Hawk said...

Oh, my! And all this on a truck platform! This makes me understand the concept of a snail.

Gunn said...

That is for me quite a unique photo.
Perhaps work like this is so hidden here, that most of us don`t see it. Or perhaps we don`t make it at all...

Babzy.B said...

wow , it's impressive !

Cezar and Léia said...

It's massive!Fantastic work there!

Yukinori Katayama said...


crocrodyl said...

So unique photo! Great capture! So interesting image!

joo said...

Wow, it's huge!

Stefan Jansson said...

That is a big one.

Kaori said...

This is such an interesting shot! It looks kind of Darth Vador-ish ;D

Rob Siemann said...

Happy people. I'm glad that your shipyards have work. No crisis for some.

Halcyon said...

Comfortable is the operative word, I think!

Unknown said...

I have never seen such a thing before. Amazing!