Saturday, February 28, 2015

Round Window

Round window, via Sgarallino, via del Pastore, Ardenza, Livorno
A quite rare round window in Via Sgarallino / Via del Pastore.

Search labels: window


EG CameraGirl said...

Hmmm. I'm curious about why this is round. :)

Luis Gomez said...

Really cool window VP. I truly like the shadow.

William Kendall said...

Quite unusual!

Dina said...

So interesting, the different levels and shapes.
But mostly it gives me good memories of lying on the top bunk of a tiny shared cabin for 7 nights, looking out the porthole as lights of the Mediterranean shore slipped by, on the good ship Enotria.

Gunn said...

Unique window.
I like the way you photographed it, and also including the shadow.

Happy weekend!

Mo said...

A sailors home perhaps

Arianna said...

Le finestre tonde son rare ma carine! Ciao, Arianna

Birdman said...

I wonder if it's in a stairwell. It would make sense... or in a restroom.

cieldequimper said...

This looks like a ship!

Gaëlle said...

Nice one!
And I like your picture, with the play of light and shadow.