Sunday, October 7, 2012

Liquore Galliano

Liquore Galliano, vintage postcard, Livorno
I am not sure how much Liquore Galliano (Galliano liqueur) is still fashionable around the world, but it was conceived in Livorno in 1896 by the distiller Arturo Vaccari. It is a complex herbal liqueur whose main components are anise and vanilla. After many years of local production, the brand is now owned by the Dutch distiller Lucas Bols.
Liquore Galliano, vintage postcard, Livorno
The liqueur was named after major Giuseppe Galliano, an Italian war hero of the disastrous colonial adventure known as the First Italo-Ethiopian War. By the way, also the renowned Livornese tenor Galliano Masini, born in the same period, may own his unusual name to the fame of the brave major.

(Postcards digitized from the collection of Antonio Cantelli)


Lois Evensen said...

I once received a bottle of this as a gift. I'm not sure how we used it. ;) I think ice cream may have been involved :)

Jack said...

I love these old postcards. Not sure I have ever had Galliano, though I have seen it.

Luis Gomez said...

These are so great VP!

Randy said...

These are great.

Cezar and Léia said...

I'm always enchanted by vintage postcards, these images are wonderful!

Halcyon said...

I've never heard of it. But anise and vanilla sounds like a nice combo.

Traveling Hawk said...

I like the Art Nouveaux motiffs in the first photo.

Dina said...

Interesting shapes to both the bottle and the women.

Gunn said...

I like the style!!

EG CameraGirl said...

Wonderful old postcards! I love the images on them.

Stefan Jansson said...

Don't think I have ever tried this one. Feel free to send me a few bottles!