Monday, August 27, 2012

The Non-Bridge of Crocetta

New canal, Venice quarter, viale Caprera, LivornoThe long excavation of the new canal in “Viale Caprera”, in the heart of the Venice quarter, is almost over after three years of works.New canal, Venice quarter, viale Caprera, LivornoA problem remains: there is no money now for the bridge (and the two footbridges) on the new canal, so the street still runs on a walled pile of dirt lined with dumpsters, with some exotic Jersey barriers as parapets. The real Venice will surely envy us for this technological and artistic achievement...

Search labels: new canal
The new canal: An Useless Dig - Canale dei Navicelli - Viale Caprera - Micropoles - New Venice - A New Canal - Crash - The Dig - Building the Canal - Venice's Canal - The Old “Cantina” - Along the New Canal - Under Construction - The Bomb - The Buried Bomb - The Wall - Modulblock
The bridges of New Venice: Ponte di Marmo - Ponte dei Domenicani - Ponte della Venezia - Ponte di San Giovanni - Ponte dell'Angiolo - Ponte del Luogo Pio


  1. A promise in the making.

    Please have a good new week.

  2. Hopefully they will be able to finish it.

  3. I love it when you get sarcastic in your writings. hopefully the city will eventually get is worked out. But I have a feeling it might be awhile. Anyway, you. Can always be glad you're not in Pisa! ;)

  4. Not a good end to the project, thus far. Hopefully they will finish it.

  5. Interesting. I hope they find money to complete the bridge.

  6. Venice have added more taxes on hotel accommodation, we were told, - to get money to fix what needed to be fixed in the old city.

    I guess somehow the politicians will find the money.

    Here they start of with one budget, than it is doubled one or two times.

  7. Hmmm, with all those tourists going straight from those cruise ships to Pisa and Florence, I see no other solution than waging a war against the one or other of the cities... :-)

  8. It's a beautiful canal, I like a lot your first composition!

  9. Sooner or later they'll finish it! Here it would be later,I'm afraid!

  10. Sounds familiar...we manage to do things like that on a daily basis here in the states

  11. A non-bridge concept takes my thoughts from the quotidian to the profound. ~Mary

  12. Oh no! But I love your description.

  13. Everything takes time VP, I bet it will look fabulous when finished.
