Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Wall

Blast containment wall around the WWII bomb found in Livorno
[Photo by Stefano]
This is the five-meter tall blast containment wall built around the unexploded 1000 pound WWII bomb found during the excavation of the new canal in the Venice quarter of Livorno. The ordance will be defused tomorrow, after the evacuation of six thousand people.

Search labels: new canal
External links: How did the bomb get here? (Video) - Evacuation Zone (Il Tirreno)
See also: Bombs on the Cover - An Useless Dig - Canale dei Navicelli - Viale Caprera - Micropoles - New Venice - A New Canal - Crash - The Dig - Building the Canal - Venice's Canal - The Old “Cantina” - Along the New Canal - Under Construction - The Bomb - The Buried Bomb - Modulblock


  1. Wow! Hopefully everything will be okay VP.

  2. They certainly are taking all the precautions VP, hopefully it will be more of a fizzle than a bang, I hope you will let us know which.

  3. Better safe than sorry. I'll be glad when it is all finished so everyone can relax!

  4. Keep us posted but from far away ok.

  5. It is so frightening having to deal with this so many decades later. Good luck to all in Livorno!

  6. I hope they know what they are doing.
    Has this ever been done before?
    Good luck to all concerned.

  7. I'll be relieved when this is over.

  8. Is there any chance you can watch it happen from a far distance? This is such an unbelievable story!

  9. @ JM - We are still in Berlin, but I don't think there is any way to watch, safely or not. They will remove the two fuses and this is very dangerous because the priming explosives are extremely unstable and have been there for more than sixty years, in rusty and oxidized casings. Done this the bomb will be safely transported in a cave and detonated there.

  10. Interesting. Hope it all comes out ok.

  11. Geez, a WWII bomb found there! Really scary!
    Hope you're having a good time in Berlin!
    God bless you!

  12. Such a scary process! I hope everything goes well.
