Friday, September 2, 2011

The Buried Bomb

WWII bomb found in Venezia, LivornoThe bomb won't go away easily: they will have to defuse it on site, near to apartment buildings and to a major bridge.WWII bomb found in Venezia, LivornoIt has been covered by a huge pile of sand and a five-meter tall blast containment wall is under construction around the site.WWII bomb found in Venezia, LivornoSix thousand people will be evacuated before the actual defusing, for an approximate radius of 400-500 meters.
Of all days, on the next September 11...

Search labels: new canal
External links: How did the bomb get here? (Video) - Evacuation Zone (Il Tirreno)
See also: Bombs on the Cover - An Useless Dig - Canale dei Navicelli - Viale Caprera - Micropoles - New Venice - A New Canal - Crash - The Dig - Building the Canal - Venice's Canal - The Old “Cantina” - Along the New Canal - Under Construction - The Bomb - The Wall - Modulblock


  1. oh ! wishing you all the very best and a safe result.

  2. I hope it all goes well! What a horrible date for this, though. :(

  3. What a mess! I sure hope everything goes well.

  4. I hope no one gets hurt. Keep us posted.

  5. Wow they must have been mega destructive bombs during the actual war! What timing, hopefully all will go well, the are definitely taking all the precautions and will be prepared for the worst.

  6. Hopefully everything will go well! How is Berlin?

  7. Ah well, they are taking no chances... ;-)

    Yes, how is Berlin?

  8. @ Luis, ciel - Cold and cloudy, at the moment...

  9. This is all almost unbelievable.

    The video of the bombing is so awful.

  10. I am sure all the suitable measures will be taken and nobody will be hurt. It is a remember that the fight for peace is not obsolete yet.

  11. Are you in Berlin to get away from this bomb? If so, best idea ever :-)

  12. What a story, VP! I've mentioned the finding to friends, now I have to update this whole thing.

  13. Estupendas las fotos que nos has dejado.

    Saludos y buen fin de semana.

  14. Must be quite interesting.
    Say Hallo to Berlin for me. Hope to get there in October! :)

  15. Still working on the bomb, I see. Wow I hope it just fizzles out and all is ok.

    I forgot all about theme day---where is my brain lately?????

    I love the 'Coral Girls'. How neat to see the same buildings.


  16. I hope all is fine, and back to normal

  17. Unbelievable! They could have picked a better date. I hope all goes well.

  18. Speriamo bene...per tutti! Buon we, Arianna
