Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Bomb

WWII bomb found in Venezia, LivornoYou are probably relatively familiar with this place: it is the last part of the dig for the new canal in Venezia. The work was stopped yesterday when a WWII bomb was found buried there.WWII bomb found in Venezia, LivornoThe 1000-pound device is temporarily sheltered in the dark green tent visible near the orange excavator.

Search labels: new canal
External links: Slideshow and Ordnance Disposal Unit from “Il Tirreno”
See also: An Useless Dig - Canale dei Navicelli - Viale Caprera - Micropoles - New Venice - A New Canal - Crash - The Dig - Building the Canal - Venice's Canal - The Old “Cantina” - Along the New Canal - Under Construction - The Buried Bomb - The Wall - Modulblock


  1. Oi veh! That's awful.

    The men working around the bomb, shown in the slideshow, most were not even born yet when that bomb fell.

    I really hate to think of Livorno being bombed. Pictures like this really make it real, bring it home.

  2. a surprise the crew could definitely have done without.

  3. It's so scary to think that something that dropped so long ago still could have potential to cause much more catastrophe today!

  4. This happens every now and then here too. They usually evacuate a whole neighbourhood when one is found.

  5. Fun times! I think every European city has its share of old bombs. Maybe they can save it for a museum or something.

  6. @ Halcyon - It is a 1000 pound bomb with a rusty fuse still on!

  7. I'll bet that added a little excitement to your photo shoot! :)

  8. Oh no! That is sooo scary! It's a miracle that no one was hurt during the excavation!

  9. Fortunately nothing went wrong! The phantom if the past is always with us...

  10. A thousand pound bomb. God help us all.
