Sunday, December 27, 2009

New Venice

Boats, Venezia quarterVenice's “gozzo” and “gozzetta”. Red and white are the colors of the “rione” (quarter) for the rowing competitions along the year. Viale Caprera canalViale Caprera”, the first part of the canal already redug few years ago, the “micropoles” drill and the church of “San Ferdinando”.

Search labels: new canal
See also: An Useless Dig - Canale dei Navicelli - Viale Caprera - Micropoles - A New Canal - Crash - The Dig - Building the Canal - Venice's Canal - The Old “Cantina” - Along the New Canal - Under Construction - The Bomb - The Buried Bomb - The Wall - Modulblock


  1. Very nice reflections! I like the range of colors in the first shot and I love the building in the second one. Bravo!

  2. Photo 1: The reflection is spectacular! It's interesting what happened to the lines on the left side.

    Photo 2: I especially like the contrast of the finished and unfinished parts of the building. I remember seeing these before. Nice styles :)

  3. Great shots. I like the colors and ripples in the first and the utter calm in the second.

  4. All these Italian surnames ending with an I or O.....
    Fantastic, And the beautiful shape of the letters on the red rowing boats. Is it very quiet in the city now??
    Enjoy your Sunday!:-)

  5. I love the colors in the first reflection shot. The canal and building has a wonderful reflection too. They are both wonderful reflection photos.

  6. che belli questi riflessi!
    ciao simona

  7. There's nothing like a splash of red to make a picture look great :)

  8. The bright red in the first photo is superb!
    The second one is also really pretty with the perspective and reflections.

  9. Great reflections in both of these.

  10. Bellissime le riflessioni e i colori brillanti. Non sapevo di questa tradizione! Grazie


  11. These are great. There is something really cool about looking down and seeing the sky. I also like the red in the reflection above.

  12. Your pictures are so romantic and beautiful!The second shot is fabulous, with a perfect composition!I love your talent VP, thanks so much for sharing!

  13. Love the reflections. It's back to work tomorrow, but I've enjoyed having a whole week off!

  14. Come to think of it, I rarely see any litter in your canal photos. Is everyone carefully avoiding to pollute them or is the city constantly cleaning them or do you sometimes just happen to point the camera in the other direction?

  15. Those are lovely reflections! I really like the red.

  16. @ Per - I would say that “everyone carefully avoiding to pollute them” and “the city constantly cleaning them” are two utopian statements if related to Livorno.
    In several spots I haven't pointed the camera in other directions, but simply omitted, for now, to post the pictures.
    The overall situation is not so bad...

  17. The first picture is very colorful and the second very pretty! I like the old buildings!

  18. The sky fell in the water! Gorgeous!

    Congratulation on your blogaversary! I knew we started at the same time because I remember going through the first posts on your other blog - with the pictures from Eastern Europe and around the world. But I forgot later. It is a special talent to be so organized to post every day - and all in great quality. I really enjoy your blogs.

  19. Love the New Venice photo. Red is just so dramatic.

  20. Love the reds and the reflections!

  21. Very nice reflections, VP!

  22. Always remember, every city has its darker corners. Not everything is fit for a postcard...
