Thursday, June 18, 2009

Making Of

Brigidini maker, LivornoThese are our last images of the “Fiera di Sant'Antonino”, where we shall reveal the secret devices behind the production of two delicious sweets: “brigidini” and “croccante”, already described in our post Primavera a Colline.Brigidini maker, LivornoTwo different “brigidini” machines are at work in plain sight at different stalls. The first model is attended by a lady swiftly packing the waffles, the other is working in full automatic.
Preparation of croccante, LivornoA Tuscan term for a sweet maker or seller is “chiccaio”, or the maker of “chicchi” (sweets, pronounced something like keekkee). Again in plain sight a “chiccaio” is preparing some “croccante” mixing nuts and caramel in a copper pot.Preparation of croccante, LivornoThis time the copper pot is motor driven, leaving the “chiccaio” a more relaxed task smoothing and cutting the hot mix.


Hilda said...

Nuts and caramel — yum!

Is this the soft caramel kind or the crunchy, brittle kind?

I like the multicolored stripes on that copper pot.

Tash said...

Excellent - you really caught the action at the market. My mouth is watering!

joo said...

I need to eat something sweet immediately!
This time everything looks delicious:)

That is the chicken said...

Great shots and fascinating information!I love all theyellow in these pictures. It make them very cheerful!

brattcat said...

Terrific post. I love all the people in these shots. Their faces are so expressive and they all seem to be enjoying what they're doing.

Lowell said...

I don't know, VP...if everyone in Italy eats these wonderful goodies, why don't they all look like Santa Claus?

Yum, yum, yum!

Fio said...

Fantastic series. Thank you for sharing!

Unknown said...

It's great to see the people here hard at work making these delicacies. A very good series.

James said...

Great captures. I can almost smell the yummy treats.

Saretta said...

My teeth hurt from looking at all these sweets!

cieldequimper said...

Oh those knives! Very nice reportage, I wish I could taste them!

Halcyon said...

I'm hungry now!!!

nobu said...

All of those looks delicious.
And I like these colourful photos.

Baruch said...

Very interesting and it looks all delicious

Laurent said...

Hungry !!!

Have a nice week-end !