The “
Palinuro” and the “
Amerigo Vespucci” weren't the only Navy ships in Livorno last weekend. We had the German “Bad Bevensen” (M1063) and Spanish “Duero” (M35), both mine hunters.

They don't sweep mines anymore now, but actively hunt for them. It remains a mistery what kind of ship actually deploy the mines: I have never seen a boat openly called mine deployer...

Two Turkish ships were moored nearby: the attack craft tender “Cezayirli Gazi Hasan Pasa” (A579) and the “Akçay” (M270), another mine hunter, both former German Navy boats.
See also:
Palinuro and Vespucci -
Tall Ships Walk
Many visitors around Livorno VP.
You do your research on navel ships. I give you that.
Livorno seems to be a naval crossroads, VP.
You get a big variety of sea craft there. Nice shots.
That's a very busy harbour you've got going on there just now VP, these ships look very impressive, but not as appealing as the tall sailing ships.
Mines? In the Med? Oi!
If anyone can find out what type of ship the "mine deployer" is, it's you. I'll be looking forward to your photos of it. ;)
I"m laughing at Dina, "mines in the Med"!!! I'm learning a lot here on your blog.
It seems you have a passion for ships, VP! You know a lot about them.
As you know, I love ships:)
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