Sunday, March 11, 2018

Aquila Nera

The Palazzo dell'Aquila Nera (Black Eagle Palace) seen from the other side of the Fosso Reale (Royal Canal), Livorno
The Palazzo dell'Aquila Nera (Black Eagle Palace) seen from the other side of the Fosso Reale (Royal Canal).
Il Palazzo dell'Aquila Nera visto dall'altro lato del Fosso Reale.


Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

It's interesting how this building, set on the waterfront with boats lined up, looks good (though austere) - whereas the one behind much less so. I'm not sure if this is because they are built in different eras and of different materials or because boats and distance are essential for proper appreciation.

Arianna said...

Bello col riflesso! Ciao, Arianna

William Kendall said...

The water level looks low.