Saturday, December 23, 2017

Santa on a Boat

The Gozz'Albero or Santa on a gozzetta of the Ovo Sodo, in Piazza Venti Settembre, Livorno
The “Gozz'Albero” or Santa on a “gozzetta” of the “Ovo Sodo”, in Piazza Venti Settembre.
Il Gozz'Albero ovvero Babbo Natale su una gozzetta dell'Ovo Sodo, in piazza Venti Settembre.


Taken For Granted said...

A Merry Christmas to you VP.

VP said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Dina said...

Christmas blessings to you from the Holy Land, VP!

William Kendall said...

One usually doesn't see St. Nick in a boat.