Bicycle with the seat covered by a blue shopper and rusty chain cover, hanging by an aquamarine flexible lock over the stairwell of an underground parking.
You do manage to find the unique bicycles VP...another mystery! Why is the bike's locked... has a cover over the seat..does someone care about it? Great shot!
Great find VP. Wonderful composition. Suicidal bike?
Your bike adventures impress. There are rarely any seen over here.
A safe road ahead and a good Tuesday as well.
This is certainly an eye-catching shot. There is a story here, even if I don't know what it is.
Not good for the bike!
Public art or...?
You do manage to find the unique bicycles VP...another mystery! Why is the bike's locked... has a cover over the seat..does someone care about it? Great shot!
Good quality lock.
This bike you did put here on purpose to make the photo... haha..
No... I think not...
An other super good find VP!
Oh, poor old bicycle! No one needs it any longer!
Hanging by a thread! I would not want to walk under that ;D
That bike is going nowhere fast ever again by the look of it VP, great find!
what an interesting "parking" method for the poor bike!
That's a novel way to park!
What a find! :-)
Looks too old to be back on the road .....
I never park my bike like that.
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