Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mastio di Matilde

Mastio di Matilde, Fortezza VecchiaThe oldest part of the “Fortezza Vecchia” is the “Torre Quadrata” (Square Tower), which once guarded the Pisan port, its lower part still visible now. The round tower known as “Mastio di Matilde” (Matilda's Keep) was built after 1241 or even later. Matilda of Tuscany died in 1115, so the attribution is obviously wrong.Mastio di Matilde, Fortezza VecchiaSince the second half of the 14th century the two towers were surrounded by by a wall called “Quadratura dei Pisani” (Pisans' Square Fort).Mastio di Matilde, Fortezza VecchiaThe fort guarded the southern entrance of the almost interred old Pisan port and the “Pamiglione”, the oldest part of the harbor of Livorno. With the construction of the “Fortezza Vecchia” the older structures were included in its walls.Florentine lily, Fortezza VecchiaThe Florentine lily, a later addition to the round tower.

See also: Fortezza Vecchia - Piazza dei Grani - Scalo Regio - Porta del Duca - Cortile d'Arme - Capitana - Ampolletta - Molo del Soccorso - Canaviglia - Palazzo di Francesco - From the Top
Search labels: Fortezza Vecchia


  1. This is a really beautiful place. I would love to do some pictures there.

  2. Quite a story... always enjoy castles and their towers.

  3. I am really enjoying the structures that you share with us. I really like the lily embellishment.

  4. Staning yet proudly against time. Thank you for this nice journey back in time. Please have a good Wednesday.

    daily athens

  5. The structures mesmerize me. Can't quite grasp things that old that are still standing.

    (Of course, some people say the same thing about me!)

  6. Wonderful architecture! It makes me dream a little. If I had longer hair I would want to play Rapunzel ;D

  7. Had to go through so many posts that I missed! Loved the bar and cafe names without imagination — so many of those around here too. I always wonder what happens if they're forced to move to new locations. The drawings of the ships are amazing. You have a very talented friend. And poor little mousie!

    Glad to hear you're back home safe.

  8. I think you are much better to save historical buildings than we are....
    Is it open for the public?

  9. Such a long history. The word vicissitudes comes to mind.

    Love that top shot.

  10. Superb tower and I like the detail in the last photo.

  11. wow!!!!

    I hope they will preserve this tower and castle and not let they be ruin.

  12. Beautiful!!
    the history is excellent. I love these shots. It is hard to imagine building so old and still standing (besides Jacob, of course).
    I am glad they incorporated the old with the newer. MB

  13. Must have afforded quite the view in it's day.

  14. I love this old fort. It seems you always find something new to show us.

  15. A very solid, masculine place... I like your different views on it. (And Jacob cracks me up - a much needed laugh to end a long day.)

  16. It looks remarkebly well preserved given its age.

  17. Love the view of the tower on top and the sky behind it. Great shot!

  18. You sure have a lot of impressive old buildings in your area.
