Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Back Home

red bicycleThe streets of Livorno are quite duller after some time in Rome.CRUCE LivornoA new shop has opened in “Via Ricasoli”, as announced here.stuffy mouseA poor mouse hanging upside down in the same street.fake sweetsA bowl of (fake) sweets in the window of a clothes shop.old buzzerA buzzer that wouldn't be out of place in “Brazil” or “Dune”...


  1. Well, Livorno might be dull compared to Rome, but it certainly has a lot of interesting stuff!

    The bike looks like a modern replica of an older model...won't find many of those around here.

    I don't think you'll be shopping at the new store very much unless you tag along with Trillian.

    That mouse looks like it's been attacked by an attack cat.

    The candy looks fake. Ugh.

    The buzzer looks old...interesting, though.

  2. Still I love your images of Livorno.

  3. Years since last I sat upon a bike, miss that way too much... Guess the mouse was found, being a toy for a small child, and a nice person placed it on the door, away from the ground.

    Please have a good Tuesday you all.

    daily athens

  4. I love the color of the bike. Red, my favorite. I also like the pic of the buzzer. I need that at my house.

  5. We all went to buy a bicycle for my big sister when she was 13. She came home with a red bicycle and she hated it.

    Now she is 60 and she said the salesman must have done a hard sale, tell her red is a girl's bike.

    Your photo reminds me of her.

  6. Don't you knock the streets of Livorno... it's one of my favorite places to visit photographically. The Romans may have a couple more fountains, but Livorno is great through your (and Trillian's) eyes!

    Love all the funny things you find, like those weird fake sweets and the mouse. But the best shot is the red bicycle. :D

  7. It is always nice to be home even if you think it might be dull now. That red bike brightens up the place. A lovely tour.
    Welcome back!!

  8. Duller by comparison maybe. But you are still finding the little gems of Livorno.

  9. I don't know VP - not always you can find a mouse hanging upside down or a bowl of sweets in the window of clothes shop! Livorno is interesting:)

  10. Several different and interesting stuffs today!My favorite is that poor mouse,so funny!
    *** thanks for the link for Brazil the film,I didn't know about it.As I've said before I'm always learning with you! :)

  11. Brazil is a movie I liked, too, but I haven't seen Dune. What's with the fake food? An import from Japan, maybe? Livorno may not be Rome, but Rome does not have VP and Trillian... Who else would find for us pops of color on little side streets?

  12. Seems like it has been quite a bit going on in your absence.

  13. This is not dull, just different!:)

  14. The buzzer is the best find. It's really cool and I agree with you as to the movies where it seems to belong.

  15. That doesn't look dull to me! You still have an eye for the fun and interesting! Poor mouse ;-D

  16. I wish our street was dull... We had a riot yesterday, with a burning police car, and other niceties...

  17. I had a red bike a few years ago. They are always very fast.
