Monday, July 20, 2009


Traffic control cameras, LivornoSurveillance gets ubiquitous an more sophisticated, even if this contraption is used only for traffic control in “Via Magenta”.


Mirela said...

Lol, very elaborate... reminds me not to speed when I go to Italy!

joo said...

They've recantly appeared also here, as a driver I'm not very keen on them:)

Yukinori Katayama said...

It looks me as if the robot is aiming us to shoot!

stromsjo said...

And - as always - the question is for what purposes the information collected will be used. Now or in the future.

Saretta said...

Reminds me of R2D2!

brattcat said...

And what will they do with all that collected information? How will they store it? And if they don't store it, does it really have a purpose?

B SQUARED said...

What is this world coming to?

Tinsie said...

Are you sure you don't live in London?!

Lowell said...

Today, traffic control. Tomorrow? I don't like these public invasions of our privacy! Big brother is always a threat! We must be ever vigilant!

We've got these stoopid cameras everywhere, too.

James said...

Bi Brother. ;-o

Tash said...

High tech up high. Very sophisticated. Interesting photo.