The last part of my Sunday walk was different and I think, for once, it deserves a post of its own. I found an orange tree full of fruits.

I saw a rose and some... tiny chili peppers in a florist's window.

Same window, different flowers, anybody knows their name?

Floral experts could even help me to identify the content of these huge vases at the “
Parterre”, not far from the orange tree.
More Walks
These are beautiful flowers. Don't know the third one, but the last image I know they are ornamental cabbage and kale.
This is a departure from your regular subjects. What fun to see this side of you.
Are you sure you didn't take a trip to Florida?
Always enjoy your Sunday walks!
A very colorful series of lovely flowers, fruits and plants! O, to have an orange tree in one's backyard!
I notice that you'll soon have 500 blog postings!
Fantastic way to decorate vases with flowers and fruits.
send flowers hospital
Love that chili pepper bouquet!
Greetings from our orange trees to yours.
Those fruits look great! Love the flowers in the window too :) Isn't that cabbage in the last photo?
The mystery flowers in photo 3 could possibly be ranunculus, which come in many colors:
... but I'm not sure.
I grew up with them in our family's business, and it's one of my best memories from those days.
la terza foto ha una luce particolare e mi piace moltissimo. i fiori sono ranuncoli, vero?
ciao simona
Thank you for showing flowers on another winter and cold day:)
The chili pepper bouquet is cute and I love the orange tree. The last one is ornamental cabbage, very popular here recently.
Terrific post!
Nice photos. Congratulations. Greetings.
Nice shots, VP. And I agree with tapirgirl that the third photo is of ranunculus. I see flowers are beginning to bloom all over the web...except in my gardens where snow and ice reign supreme. Ha!
I'm absolutely useless with plant names, but that doesn't stop me from loving these gorgeous flowers! Fantastic colors in this set. Though my eyebrow (just the left one) would rise if anyone gave me a bouquet of chili peppers.
For sure you are lucky, you found beautiful spots!I love flowers and those are magnificent, the last vase has adorable harmony and colours!
The oranges made me think we must be in Menton, where the trees are loaded with fruit just like this.
Love all the shots. You've already had all the flowers identified.
Get out there this Sunday, too.
I don't know the names of the flowers but they are all beautiful! I especially like the red. Your post has me anxious for spring!
Can spring be on the horizon, even for us in the great North?
Thanks, this is "medicine" on a cold day!
and also thanks for your info on my blog today.
Spring is already here???
Wonderful series, thanks!
The flowers in the pot look like ornamental cabbage to me. All of the flowers are so pretty though - I especially like the chilis and roses.
Beautiful It looks like everyone named the proper flowers. they are right too. I love Rannuculus and it does come in a variety of colors. MB
I'd like to thank you all for these names: with your patient cooperation, my practically nonexistent floral knowledge is slowly increasing.
Definitely cabbages on the last photo as some have already stated. Great post, VP! I know it's hard to choose, but my favourite is the third shot, the light is fantastic and the dark background makes the flowers look almost tridimentional.
I like the orange tree a lot , i'd like to see them grow here but no luck it's too cold ;)
No idea about the names, but they sure are pretty!
Lovely sunny post.
Renoncules in French.
I recognize the ranunculus from my many failed attempts to grow them - or at least that is how they look on the package!
What a lovely sunny walk, with oranges and flowers.
Three Rivers Daily Photo
When I saw the 3rd I immediately thought: "artichoke"
You have all these flowers in the middle of winter? Blessed climate and lovely photos.
I can smell the citrus all the way here. Very exotic flowers!
I wish I would find an orange tree on my walks.
Beautiful flowers, so full of color. As for their names, I'm as clueless as one can be :) I can point out the rose but you've already identified it :)
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