Monday, February 2, 2015

Reinforced Concrete

Buildings in construction, viale Petrarca, Livorno
A group of buildings left unfinished for years on a plot of land between Viale Petrarca and Via Ferraris.
Buildings in construction, viale Petrarca, Livorno
It seems that the construction works will begin again quite soon and that this has something to do with the next opening of the nearby Esselunga supermarket. (Pictures taken last December)

See also: Esselunga


  1. I find myself wondering what the final work will look like!

  2. It looks more like business offices than apartment homes, but what do I know. Love that first shot against the blue sky!

  3. I'll bet it would have been nice.

  4. Good these buildings will be finished as they become neighborhood eye sores if left this way, but they do make interesting photo with their patterns.

  5. Happens every now and then. Glad that they will finish it soon.

  6. At least the buildings make interesting skeletal pictures.
    I'm curious how they will look in your photo of their next stage.

  7. I like all the angles and lines in these photos, VP. It is good, though, that this will be completed.

  8. Interesting perspective. As an accountant, I always think about the amount of money that is tied up in such projects, interest being spent on loans, lack of income from intended use.... Sad that it takes so long to build and put into service.

  9. Must have been a creepy place while sitting there empty!

  10. That's something we have yet to see here. An empty unfinished new building. Reminds me of Crete, the closest I came to Greece.

  11. What a waste to leave this partially built. It is good to read that the project will be coming back to life.
