Tuesday, February 3, 2015

January Cat

Cat, Fortezza Nuova, Livorno
The last time I visited the Fortezza Nuova was last January: the weather wasn't yet bad, and this cat was basking in the sun.

See also: The Cats of the Fortress - More Cats of the Fortress - Autumn Cats
- Fortezza Nuova (2009) - Fortress from the Sky (2012) - Welcome to the Fortress
Search labels: cat - Fortezza Nuova


  1. This is a strong cat and I think has seen a lot in its lifetime. I get a strong feeling it would be best not to mess with this feline! Great portrait!

  2. Quite an attitude, definitely demands respect... but quite an adorable kitty too!

  3. Ha! It's that zoned-out look that cats get when warming up in the winter sun.

  4. He looks like he can look after himself VP :)

  5. This is a "bel micione", but he/she is not very happy to see you, at this time...
