Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Yacht Guilty, port of Livorno
The 35-meter yacht “Guilty” was built in 2008 at the Cantieri Navali Rizzardi in Sabaudia.
Yacht Guilty, port of Livorno
The naval architect is Arrabito Naval Architects and the designer is Ivana Porfiri of Porfiristudio. The eye-catching camouflage design is by Jeff Koons and reminds us of the dazzle camouflage used in World War I.
Yacht Guilty, port of Livorno
“Guilty” was originally built for the Greek art collector Dakis Joannou.

External links: Jeff Koons - Dazzle camouflage - Dakis Joannou (Wikipedia)
- Dakis Joannou's “Guilty” yacht by Jeff Koons and Ivana Porfiri (Don't Panic)
- ‘Guilty’ by Ivana Porfiri for Dakis Joannou (Yatzer)
Search labels: yacht


  1. That is about the busiest boat I've ever seen. Great photo!


  2. "Eye catching" is a good way to describe this. I like the colors.

  3. VP, this is surely the most interesting paint job I can remember seeing.

  4. The camoulflage on the yacht is most unusual and quite remarkable.

  5. I think the name should be "Look at Me!

  6. I remember the dazzle effect examined in an exhibit here on camouflage at the War Museum.

    Quite a name for a yacht!

  7. Oi, I get dizzy just looking at it! How strange!

  8. ??? Where is the boat?
    Anyway, just looking at it gives me a headache

  9. This is unique, VP, never seen such a painting on a boat.

  10. This is a bit mind boggling VP.. isn't it amazing how the configuration of shape and colour really do confuse the eye. I bet there are a lot of confused fish out there.. they'd be like.. 'What the....' :)

  11. Good Lord, what that must have cost. Just to fill it up fuel would probably be about $75,000! Love the design (camouflage) - it really works ... I found it hard to find the lines of the ship. But I wonder why it was named "Guilty." A guilty pleasure, perhaps? Guilty for having so much when so many have so little?

  12. Unique art!
    I (think) I like it:)

  13. It may be good camouflage out at sea but in port it's an eye catcher for sure!

  14. never seen a boat like that before , very arty :)

  15. Uno yacht di carnevale? Mah! Ciao, Arianna
