Thursday, January 29, 2015

Crowded Balcony

Crowded balcony, Viale Carducci, Livorno
A “crowded” balcony in Viale Carducci. (Picture taken last July)


  1. I don't think I'd put that much stuff in any balcony of mine, but it is kinda cute and kinda pretty. It's a nice combination of ceramics and flora!

  2. Very pretty, but I don't think I would want to stand under it. It's so crowded, something could fall on your head!

  3. MAny flowers are a good crowd for any balcony.

  4. I agree it's a bit crowded. Those plants look very happy in the sun.

  5. At least it is a good "hedge" for the residents' privacy.

  6. That pooch doesn't look too happy. "Give me a little room here."

  7. The owner needs more space for his things...

  8. I have just given new life (soil) to my plants that are indoors. This is nice, some I have seen before and some of the plants are unknown for me.

    Italian flower markets are great!

  9. A pretty nude or a spaniel? I'll go with the pretty nude.

    BTW, I rarely post black and white photos, but sometimes I have something I want to show but the light was bad or the colors blend together. Converting the image to black and white rescues a picture that otherwise would have been deleted. Those country churches were shot on a gray, overcast day and the color shots were muddy, but black and white saved them and let me boost the contrast.
