Monday, December 8, 2014

Autumn Cats

Cats, Fortezza Nuova, Livorno
The last time we checked on them was in April, more than six months ago.
Cats, Fortezza Nuova, Livorno
The feline population of the Fortezza Nuova is still there and in good health.

See also: The Cats of the Fortress - More Cats of the Fortress
- Fortezza Nuova (2009) - Fortress from the Sky (2012) - Welcome to the Fortress
Search labels: cat - Fortezza Nuova


  1. I'm so glad they're being taken care of. They look quite healthy. There are feral cats hanging around the dock in Cedar Key, but some of them look really bad - all scarred and dirty!

  2. Looks like they're guarding the old fort well.

  3. Good that the faithful feline soldiers continue to hold down the fort.

  4. That black one is a beauty!

    PS: Did you know the "word" verification is on on your blog?

  5. The word verification is on all blogs all of a sudden. Good thing I'm not a cat...

  6. Regarding word verification: try setting your comments to embedded instead of pop up. One of my blogs was set to pop up and had captchas, even for me. Whatever the larger problem with Blogger is, it's been reported and is apparently being worked on.

  7. A castle is a good place for cats.
