Sunday, December 7, 2014

A “Horror” Revisited

New building, Scoglio della Regina, Livorno
The first time I wrote about this building I called it a horror in plain view. They say that when you get to know someone, eventually even the ones you dislike can become familiar and understandable and, sometimes, loved. I am still quite far from the love part, but this building probably deserves a second chance.
New building, Scoglio della Regina, Livorno
My favorite part of this complex is this watchtower of sorts: you can climb a short spiral stair to the top and look at the sea. A sculpture will be soon placed on the top.
New building, Scoglio della Regina, Livorno
They are still working at the plaza's pavement which has a peculiar wave design, a pattern made up of precisely cut stones of two different colors. I can see me liking this place, after all...

See also: A Horror in Plain View - PIUSS


  1. The paving stones sort of make you feel loopy after staring at them a while. 8-)

  2. I looked back at my own comments on that earlier post, and I was critical, too. And, like you, I am beginning to see its potential. Let's give it more time.

    I am reminded of the glass pyramid at the Louvre. When I first saw photos of it, I was apoplectic, thinking that they had defiled a wonderful museum. Now, it looks like sheer genius. Maybe we all need to suspend judgment on new things and let them become familiar before we judge.

  3. I remember the building... it still doesn't agree with me.

  4. But meanwhile the round thing looks really bizarre.

  5. It really looks horrible.
    But it is pretty special and interesting shape and it could be better to be alone without the other building. Tiles are instead lovely.

  6. The difference is in the details. I am still not so taken by it but glad you are giving it a second chance. I am almost sure that t h e space there feels a lot different when you walk it or experience it.

  7. Second chances are nice and I think this will turn out to be a popular landmark. Love the plaza's pavement! The "fez" is sure colorful!

  8. There's a building that looks like this going south towards Boston. It sells cheese. I think there is a mouse on the top.

  9. You're right. It isn't that bad and I like the pavement.

    Birdman is funny.

  10. Well, the plaza makes up for whatever you might dislike about the building. That plaza is wonderful!

  11. Maybe because of your great photos I would not call it a horror! :-)

  12. I like it, the style and the beautiful plaza.
