Sunday, August 3, 2014

Thou Shalt Not Have Two Fortresses

Canaviglia and Ampolletta bastions, Fortezza Vecchia, Old Fortress, Livorno
It is probably a curse of sorts, but we can't have two fortresses open to the public at the same time. After five years the Fortezza Nuova (New Fortress) reopened last March in a last minute attempt at endearing the electorate to the old Administration, but at the time the Fortezza Vecchia (Old Fortress) was already closed to the general public.
Visit by appointment sign, Fortezza Vecchia, Old Fortress, Livorno
Now it is open only on occasions or for rare events: to visit the place as a normal citizen you are requested to call for an appointment and this is only for groups of at least five persons!

See also: Fortezza Nuova - The Fortress, at Last! - Fortezza Vecchia
Search labels: Fortezza Nuova - Fortezza Vecchia


  1. Super photo. I'd love to visit. But it sounds as though you are riddled with bureaucratic bozos, too. It must be the same the world over.

  2. So many fascinating places! Must be difficult to fund them all.

  3. So sad. Both places look amazing in your images.

  4. Ah, red tape, the bane of many an existence. This fortress at least looks impressive.

  5. At least their sign seems well done.

  6. Interesting back to back: this complex fortress and the simple sparrow.

  7. Livorno is so beautiful. We enjoyed our many visits there. :) I love seeing your harbor shots - they bring bag good memories.

  8. Well you'll have to start your own tours then... :-(

  9. Mi pare assurdo...noto che nel titolo hai usato un inglese antico. Ciao, Arianna

  10. Well, that is highly annoying!

  11. Great picture with a wonderful composition and a super light, bravo, VP!
