Monday, August 4, 2014

Empty Chairs

There is a time of the day when I almost like Effetto Venezia: it is around 8 PM and there is not much people around. Maybe they are still deciding where to wait two hours for a not-so-good pizza or where the pungent smell of the canals mixes better with their food...
Effetto Venezia 2014, empty chairs piazza dei Domenicani, Livorno
I found a lot of empty chairs: twenty in Piazza dei Domenicani.
Effetto Venezia 2014, empty chairs scali Finocchietti, Livorno
Seven more on Scali Finocchietti.
Effetto Venezia 2014, young violin player rehearsing in front of a few rows of empty chairs, scali Finocchietti, Livorno
Not far, a young violin player was rehearsing in front of a few rows of empty chairs.

Search labels: Effetto Venezia - chairs
See also: Effetto Venezia


  1. Rather unusual seating arrangements!

  2. Empty chairs is not at all unusual whether I'm rehearsing or performing. :-)

  3. You have a good sense of humor. These photos remind of the saying about someone giving a party and no one came!

    I'm assuming there were to be some musical presentations for the empty chairs. :)

  4. I like the shot of the violin player.

  5. Love the colours in the first shot. I know you don't like it but I hope that violinist eventually got an audience...

  6. It was early for the shows, I am sure very few of these chairs were empty later in the night...

  7. These pictures say so much!

    "Bread and circuses."

  8. All those empty chairs are a little disconcerting.

  9. VP, this is a great series of shots. Great!

  10. I have some good memories from outdoor concerts in Senigallia ......years back! The opera.... the films... the lively streets in the evenings.

    Your could have been part of a film....

    Lots of atmosphere in your posting.

    Thanks for sharing.

  11. Queste sedie vuote hanno un fascino particolare, possono voler dire tante cose...bella l'ultima foto con la violinista! Ciao, Arianna

  12. Great shots on your latest posts, VP! I think the lone violin player is my favourite.

    Sorry I've not been commenting lately but a tendinitis (shoulder + elbow) is forcing me to stay away from the computer as much as possible - repeated movements of the arm is all I have to avoid...
