Saturday, August 2, 2014

A Helpful Sparrow

Sparrow, port of Livorno
Quickly hopping sparrows aren't easy to catch in reasonable poses, but this one was very accommodating.
Sparrow, port of Livorno
I was able to get a portrait of him against a rock and another facing the water of the harbor.

See also: Almost Camouflaged - Sorry: no tail!


  1. There's always at least one in a crowd.

  2. Beautiful portraits. You're right, they're usually hopping all over the place. Maybe this one sensed your friendly nature and thus posed for you?

  3. What a sweetheart (the sparrow).

    He seems to appreciate your noticing him. Probably the first time anyone cared enough to take his picture.

  4. The 1st shot is very beautiful, the 2nd is fantastic !

  5. Yup. They can hop pretty fast whwn they want to.
