Monday, June 9, 2014

A New Mayor

Filippo Nogarin, piazza Attias, Livorno
Livorno has a new mayor elect: Filippo Nogarin (Five Star Movement), a 44-year-old aerospace engineer, won with 53% the runoff against Marco Ruggeri (Democratic Party).

See also: Five Stars Livorno? - City Council
External links: Five Star Movement - Democratic Party (Wikipedia)
- M5S Takes Livorno (Corriere della Sera)
- Italian birthplace of Communist party falls to Beppe Grillo's M5S (The Guardian)


  1. Well, VP, you certainly have some interesting politics there. Just read a little about the Fire Star "Movement".

  2. Best of luck to the new mayor!

  3. It is a great shot! A winner shot. Good luck with him.

  4. Excellent portrait of the new mayor. I hope the change of dominant party leads to success.

  5. I hope he's all the people want him to be.

  6. Mazal tov to Filippo. May he do good things for Livorno. Your photo captures a lot.

  7. Offensive and obviously uninformed comments by strangers will be deleted.

  8. Sorry, moderation will be on until the troll finds something better to do...

  9. Be'...auguri al nuovo sindaco allora! Ciao, Arianna

  10. Part of the Beppe Grillo movement. I have read a lot about him in the last year or so.

  11. V Day in Livorno. I've been reading up a bit on the different parties. It's very complicated for an outsider. And words are used in so many different ways. I'd be a little leery of this man, if for no other reason than reformers often end up worse than what preceded them. :) Best wishes for a good future for Livorno!
