Tuesday, June 10, 2014


On the stones of the “Fosso Reale” we can see an elaborate Medici coat of arms dedicated to Ferdinando I, third Grand Duke of Tuscany. The dangling electrical cable is a recent improvement...
Marble Medici coat of arms, Ferdinando, third Grand Duke of Tuscany, Fosso Reale, Livorno
It feels like yesterday when we were celebrating our 1,000th post, and here is our 2,000th one. In more than five years we never missed a day, showing you the good and quite often the bad of our city. Thanks to all of you who keep following us!

External links: Ferdinando I de' Medici (Wikipedia)
See also: Harshad Number


  1. 2,000 posts without missing a day. That is pretty remarkable. I haven't even made it to 1,500 yet. Keep going, VP. I like learning about, and seeing, Livorno.

  2. A small treasure to find in such an ordinary wall.

    Congratulations on your 2000th post! Not missing a single day is no mean feat.

  3. Now if you can just keep it up as long as that coat-of-arms has been around. :-)

  4. Scary looking face on the bottom.

  5. Lovely anniversary post!
    I am ashamed to say that I missed all the days I was away!

  6. So it became a cable holder? So utilitarian, oi.

    A huge mazal tov on your 2000 posts!! And writing every single day is such an admirable discipline. I'm quite sure you will finds thousands more interesting subjects to share.
    Thank you!

  7. Congratulations on your longevity! Quite an accomplishment.

    I love the details on this coat of arms...it looks like the one thing on the building that has been kept up. And yes, the electrical cord does add a lot - a lot of something, not sure what! :)

  8. Oh VP, congratulations to your 2,000th post! Bravo!

  9. Beautiful find. Congratulations on the great job, VP!

  10. Happy 2000th post! Hope you have many more. I always enjoy seeing Livorno through your eyes.


    I have enjoyed your postings, and I look forward to many more!

    Celebrate and don`t forget your camera:)

    Greetings from Gunn in Stavanger.
