Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Old Hospital

Hospital, viale Alfieri, Livorno
The hospital of Livorno was built in the 1930s and the construction of a new one on the hills of Antignano was one of the most controversial projects of the old administration. The choice of the location at the southern end of the city, with only secondary roads and no public transportation, can't be explained.
Hospital, via Gramsci, Livorno
At the same time a lot of money was spent refurbishing the old hospital, which has plenty of open space where to build new, modern structures and is within walking distance for a great part of the Livornesi. The new mayor was a vocal opponent of the unpopular project and is now willing to stop it.

See also: Spedali Riuniti - The Helipad - Bad News - Works of Mercy


  1. I wish I could find computer keys with which to form a pair of rolling eyes. 8-

  2. Just makes you shake your head in dismay.

    Both buildings are quite appealing, in different ways.

  3. Love it in that first photo.

  4. That sounds like Quimper's former administration...

  5. Well, good for him! Let's hope the new mayor stops the unwise new project.

  6. Same thing everywhere VP in one way or another. Hopefully the new mayor will help.

  7. It looks fantastic. I also don't understand why they would want to build a new one.

  8. Two hospitals or two half hospitals for Livorno?

  9. The old hospital has some class and elegance; the new one not so much.

    When it comes to political shenanigans, I always say "Follow the money." I'll bet a contributor of sorts owned the land on which the new hospital is built and got a big bunch or Euros for that land part of which will find its way into the coffers of certain politicos.

  10. So now you have to wait or give the new mayor "One hundred days", to show what he is able to do…..

    So what is happening in Italy? Do you have a good national health agreement, or do you have to take private insurance?

  11. The building on top is just grand and I also like the Art Deco feel to the one below.
