Sunday, May 18, 2014

28 Lamp Posts

New canal, Venice quarter, viale Caprera, Livorno
Two lines of brand-new lamp posts along the new canal in the Venice quarter, a slight improvement from the situation below, which goes back to last February. You can also evaluate the cosmetic touches on the isthmus of Crocetta, which is still blocking the two halves of the canal.
New canal, Venice quarter, viale Caprera, Livorno
In both images the steel girders, in foreground and in background, still lie where the two promised and still undelivered footbridges should have been.

See also: A New Canal - The Non-Bridge of Crocetta - The Isthmus of Crocetta - Duckspeak
External links: Ministry of Truth - Newspeak (Wikipedia)
Search labels: new canal


  1. So beautiful. Do you like to count things??? I find myself counting things all the time.

  2. It does have a visually pleasing effect when you contrast it to the earlier image.

  3. The new lamp posts do add a lot.
    As for the rest, yes, it's going slowly.

  4. Good intentions just don't do it but sometimes those folks who run things have more good intentions than good works.

    But I like the lamp posts as they bring a touch of elegance to the new canal. I hope you get the footbridges soon.

  5. They do add something to the look of the place as well as being useful!

  6. The lamp posts add something new to the place, they look good!

  7. They look good. I guess the word here is patience. ;)
