Monday, January 27, 2014


A stolperstein in Via Dario Cassuto, dedicated to Perla Beniacar.
Stolperstein, stumbling block, remembering Perla Beniacar, Livorno
She was born in Livorno on 19 June 1935, the daughter of Moise Beniacar and Estrea Levi, a family that had recently arrived in town from Smirne, Turkey. Perla, which means pearl, was also the name of her paternal grandmother. She had three siblings: Matilde, Bulissa Luisa and Giacobbe Giacomo.
They were all arrested on 21 January 1944 in Borgo a Buggiano (Pistoia) and deported to Auschwitz, where Perla died on 26 February 1944. The only member of her family who survived the Shoah was her sister Matilde.

See also: Stolpersteine - Not Even One Year - Isacco Bayona - Dina and Dino
External links: Stolperstein - (Wikipedia) - Perla Beniacar (The names of the Italian Shoah)


  1. Very interesting and sad. Thank you VP. I had never seeing one of these.

  2. At least you have some. The French have yet to massively confront their past...

  3. It makes me wonder about Matilde ... perhaps she came here to Israel to make a new life?
    Thanks for the link to I nomi della Shoah italiana. It is well done and there is a lot to learn there.

  4. Very nice. I should show some from berlin.

  5. One more of those stories which seem impossible to have happened just decades ago...
