Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Magpie

Magpie on the roof of the Central Market, Livorno
A magpie on the roof of the Mercato Centrale. Sorry for the quality, but this was a very distant shot.

See also: Mercato Centrale - Panorama del Mercato


  1. I think I spotted several of these during my visit to Greece last November, especially in Athens, but I was never able to photograph them.

  2. Magpie. That is a bird whose name I have heard, maybe in connection with being in pies in fables. But, I don't think I have seen them.

  3. Despite their bad reputation, I like magpies.

  4. So THAT's what magpies look like! Such distinctive markings. I think your zoom did a great job. Even the algae on the weathered shingles is visible (and beautiful).
    Is the bird eating some prey?

    BTW, did you see the photos on the Web of the Pope's white peace doves released from his balcony and then attacked in mid-air by a seagull and a crow?!

  5. Looks like a lucky magpie, caught a fishhead or such! ;-)

    I once drove on a country road somewhere near Pistoia, and there were dozens of magpie flying hither and yon, in and out of the woods.

  6. A sweet little bird with tuxedo markings!

  7. Yes, a sweet little bird, even if her Italian name is not so nice...

  8. Great capture! Magpies are beautiful birds.
