Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sant'Andrea's Bell Tower

Bell tower of the chiurch of Sant'Andrea, Livorno
The bell tower of the church of Sant'Andrea seen from Via del Seminario.


  1. A bell tower like this is one of the things I think of when I think of Italy. The neighbors' brains must rattle when the bell rings.

  2. Bells one on top of the other?
    Unusual, no? Pretty, yes.

  3. Beautiful street VP. Nice shot. Have a great weekend.

  4. This is really a fine view and a suggestive photo!

  5. I love the architecture too.
    And the "Italian colors", yellow,red,white pink and light brown on many of the buildings.... It feels good and bring back memories of sunny holidays in your beautiful country.

    (PS. A bench to you on my posting from yesterday, and I put out a link to your other blog. )
