Sunday, September 29, 2013

Text Only

I have been posting photos of Livorno for the best part of five years. My modest images show a real, if somewhat too kind, view of the city where I live. You do not find here fancy effects and rosy sunsets, but mostly no-frills photos of buildings and places that make Livorno what it is.
This takes time and effort without any kind of reward, and I am fine with that. I am content with the circle of friends and bloggers I have met through City Daily Photo, and you will not see me pestering people for a larger audience or some more ‘likes’.
Sadly, I keep seeing my photos used by others with absolute carelessness and without any recognition. Always ready to whine about the sorry state of our city, these guys have apparently no time to go around with a camera taking simple shots. It is easier to pilfer some of the four thousands pictures posted on our blog until now.


  1. I'm very sorry this has happened to you, many people think that whatever is on the web is fair game to be pilfered. Is there no way you could place a watermark on your photos? BTW, I really enjoy your blog and hope that you will not be so discouraged as to give it up.

  2. Sorry to hear this, V.P.! It happens all the time and everywhere, here too. Bear with it and don't be discouraged. Do not permit these kind of people to take us the pleasure to see your wonderful shots in the future too. You have all my support.

  3. How frustrating for you, V.P. I'm sure the vast majority of us who follow your blog do so with the best on intensions. No one should be able to use your photos for any purpose other than to look at them and enjoy them. At least they should ask your permission before taking your photos.

  4. Maybe it's time to add a watermark to your work. I have been thinking of doing the same thing.

  5. Randy - You are right, but this will not protect the photos already posted...

  6. I know the feeling VP. I wish I could say do this or do that, but I don`t.

  7. how sorry ! can't people ask for using photos ???

  8. I am sorry, VP, and I can understand how you feel but I totally second Traveling Hawk, he just took the words out of my keyboard.

  9. It happens every day. All over the web. Don't worry about it. It's just how the world works. Keep posting your fine photos and stories.

  10. You've shared 4,000 photos with us?!
    Thank you! A lot to time and work went into that.
    Your text-only post today shocks us into imaging how life would be if we could not see your photos of Italy.

  11. I'm really sorry to hear that. :(
    I do enjoy your photos. And of course your funny look at Livornese life. :)

  12. I'm very sorry this has happened also to you, VP.

  13. I am so sorry to hear you have been hit, too.
    It seems to be the ways of the world, as Stefan pointed out.

    I am operating more or less the same way you do, no monetary rewards, no pesky commercials, no comment or likes begging. I am also deeply grateful for the small, but dedicated followers like you who make my day by leaving a comment when they can.

    I started using watermarks some time ago. I have received some really not very nice mails over that. One gentleman even pointed out that his images where way better than mine, and he did not use watermarks. I admit it hurt, but on the other hand I simply am not willing to work other for other people's glory.

    I love learning about your beautiful city through your eyes and am looking forward to learn more,

  14. Sorry, I meant to say "the small, albeit dedicated community of followers like you" - M.
