Friday, July 26, 2013

Salubritatem aegris corporibus

Salubritatem aegris corporibus afferre creduntur, Acque della Salute, Terme del Corallo, Livorno
On the facade of the “Acquarium” we can read a Latin inscription referring to the waters available inside: salubritatem aegris corporibus afferre creduntur (are believed to bring good health to sick bodies). It is a quote from “de Aquaeductu Urbis Romae”, written by Sextus Julius Frontinus, the water commissioner (curator aquarum) for the City of Rome in A.D. 97. The TV antenna is of a later period.

External links: Frontinus (Wikipedia) - de Aquaeductu Urbis Romae by Sestus Iulius Frontinus (in Latin)
Search labels: spa
See also: The Waters of Health - The Beauty of Decay - Parco delle Terme - The Waters of Health: Hallway - Spa Terrace - Hall of the Five Waters - Acquarium


  1. In the USA, we are not familiar with anything this old and this sophisticated.

  2. The curator aquarum never dreamed his words would appear next to a mysterious miraculous antenna that picks up signals from the air.

  3. I could use some of that water.

  4. Such antiquated things do not surround me here!

  5. I am so with Jack! Have a great weekend VP!

  6. Thanks for the translation, my latin doesn't go that far! :-)

  7. Nice photo of an elaborate frontispice!
